ATTENTION DOG OWNERS: Wild Dog Trapping advice

The following advice was issued by DWELP for the week commencing 4th May 2020. DOG OWNERS PLEASE TAKE NOTE.

Just to let you know that Matt Beach (DELWP Ovens) will be undertaking wild dog trapping around Mt Beauty/Tawonga Sth/Tawonga next week. 

He will be setting soft leg traps on the edges of forest tracks and trails, right on the edge of town.  Some of the tracks/areas include: Simmonds Creek Road, Simmond Creek Track (runs from the end of Highland Court to Simmonds Creek Road), Vails Road area (forest section), Ryders Spur Track, Diggings Lane, and around some old dozer lines in the vicinity of Vails Hill, Hollands Hill and behind propertys in Tawonga and Tawonga South.

Some of the traps will be on the very edges of these tracks.  All appropriate signage will be in place.

Please do not walk your dog off leash in these areas.  If you have a dog on a leash, I suggest you walk in the middle of the track, and not let you dog sniff at the track edges.  Two domestic dogs were caught last year, when trapping occurred in similar areas.

This information is for you, and for passing onto people that you know, your networks, neighbours, friends etc etc.

For further information, please contact the DELWP office at Ovens – 57 311 222.

Tawonga and District Community Association meeting will be held via video conferencing on the 1st May, 2020 at 7pm.

Notice is hereby given that the next meeting of the Tawonga and District Community Association will be held via video conferencing on the 1st May, 2020 at 7pm.

If you have any items that you wish to raise at the meeting, please contact the Secretary by email so that they may be included in the agenda.

Thank you to our Emergency Services ‘Picnic in the (Tawonga Pioneer) Park’ on Sunday 22nd March, 2020 POSTPONED

PLEASE NOTE: The scheduled event as detailed below has been postponed until a later date. The TDCA will communicate the revised date once the community health status precautions become more visible.


The Tawonga and District Community Association received a request from a member of the community to consider holding a ‘thank you’ for the services provided by the emergency personnel in this district.

It has been decided to hold a ‘Picnic in the (Tawonga Pioneer) Park’ on Sunday 22nd March, 2020 between 12noon and 3pm with all local emergency services personnel in the district being invited to attend.

The picnic will be BYO everything (food/drink/chairs) or for those who would rather enjoy a sausage in bread, a BBQ will be provided by Rotary and Lions. The Tawonga Red Cross will supply tea and coffee and there will be Fairy Floss and icy poles for the kids.

The picnic is not intended to be a formal occasion, rather a chance for community members to say hello and thank you to our local emergency service personnel.

Tawonga & District Community Association – Notice of Meeting 7 February 2020



Notice is hereby given that the next meeting of the Tawonga and District Community Association will be held at the Tawonga Fire Shed on the 7th February, 2020 at 7pm.

All members and any interested community persons are welcome to attend.

If you have any items that you wish to raise at the meeting, please contact the Secretary by email so that they may be included in the agenda.

Tawonga Pioneer Park War Memorial offically opened on Sunday 10th November 2019

The official opening of the Tawonga Pioneer Park War Memorial was held on the eve of Remembrance Day, Sunday 10th November at 7.30 pm. 

From settlement in the late 1860’s and by the turn of the century, Tawonga had become a thriving community. When war was declared in 1914, a number of Tawonga and district residents enlisted.  

The memorial honours the servicemen and women from Tawonga and district and their connection to the armed services, their involvement in the various theatres of war and in peacekeeping roles.

Our thanks go to the Kiewa Mitta Murray Community Enterprises Ltd, Victorian Veterans Council and the Upper Kiewa Valley Lions Club for their funding assistance to this project. We also thank locals who officiated the opening- Les Jordan from Mount Beauty RSL, Lisa Russell who is currently serving in the Royal Australian Navy for reading the Ode to the Fallen, and to Arthur Higginson, son of 1st World War soldier Henry John Higginson for his duties in lowering the flag.

We invite you to explore the pictorial narrative of the memorial and the opportunity it provides to reflect through the imagery of the respective defence services across the eras.

Alpine Better Places Tawonga

In 2019/20 Council will work with the Tawonga community to prepare plans which illustrate, cost and prioritise:
Improved streetscape treatment of the Kiewa Valley Highway, including a safer pedestrian connection to Tawonga Pioneer Memorial Park, pedestrian pathways extending along the highway and integrated landscape treatments to give the Tawonga township an improved sense of destination.
Improvements to Tawonga Pioneer Memorial Park, including upgraded and additional facilities and infrastructure.

Click here for the Alpine Shire Council link


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