Isolation Creations Community Gathering postponed for Saturday 10th October 2020

Due to the current health guidelines around public gatherings the proposed Isolation Creations Community Gathering for Saturday 10th October 2020
has been postponed. We look forward to confirming a new date as soon as community health guidelines permit.

A big thank you to all those who have contributed! These creative works can be viewed in the window of the Old Tawonga Store.

Alpine Community Recovery Newsletter – September Edition

Click this link for the Alpine Community Recovery Newsletter – September  which includes:

  • Alpine Shire Council Community Bushfire Recovery Grants
  • Victorian Government State Recovery Plan
  • Additional funding opportunities with the Victorian Government and Regional Arts Victoria
  • Support local businesses with Buy from Bright and Surrounds
  • Reach out for support, with emphasis on rural health and mental health
  • Community Recovery Committee (CRC) updates
  • A letter from CRC Chair, Fiona Nicholls

Webinar on the Mount Beauty Airport Upgrade project 7.00pm on Wednesday 16 September 2020

JOIN THE CONVERSATION | There’s plenty happening as we gear up for the next stage of the Mount Beauty Airport Upgrade, and we want to fill you in!

Alpine Shire Council’s project team will host a webinar on Wednesday, 16 September from 7pm to discuss plans for the upgrade, take feedback on the draft concept design and answer any questions.

More information is available to view on our website here:…/mount-beauty-airport-u…

Webinar details:
Wednesday, 16 September from 7.00pm via Zoom
Select ‘join’
Enter the meeting ID: 924 7532 4378
Enter your name
Enter the meeting passcode: Airport

To help us prepare any answers to your questions, we encourage you to submit them before the webinar – we’re also happy to answer any queries during the session.

To submit a question to be answered email with the email subject ‘Mount Beauty Airport Upgrade’ or call 5755 0555.

August Update from Alpine Shire Re: Alpine Better Places – Tawonga

August Update from Alpine Shire around Alpine Better Places – Tawonga

” On Tuesday, 15 July, Tawonga community members were invited to have their say on the draft concept plans during a webinar hosted by project consultants MDG Landscape Architecture. The presentation walked participants through the site analysis of the subject area, the opportunities identified and potential projects for community discussion and feedback.

MDG have collated the feedback from the July webinar and subsequent community engagment. 

Draft Phase One plans are now available to view, providing a visual of where the community have placed their support for the initial concept ideas”.

The Annual General Meeting of the Tawonga & District Community Association will be held via ZOOM on FRIDAY 7th August, 2020 at the conclusion of the ordinary meeting.


Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Tawonga and District Community Association will be held via ZOOM on FRIDAY 7th August, 2020 at the conclusion of the ordinary meeting commencing at 7.00pm.



QUESTIONS should be emailed to by Thursday evening.

Isolation Creations Community Gathering postponed for Saturday 10th October 2020

Due to the current health guidelines around public gatherings the proposed Isolation Creations Community Gathering for Saturday 10th October 2020
has been postponed. We look forward to confirming a new date as soon as community health guidelines permit.

A big thank you to all those who have contributed! These creative works can be viewed in the window of the Old Tawonga Store.

Click here to download an TDCA Isolation Creation Entry Form


Alpine Shire consultation around the Alpine Better Places – Tawonga project – Community webinar from 7pm on Tuesday, 15 July 2020.

The Alpine Shire has released the following details about the Alpine Better Places – Tawonga project. Council is working with the Tawonga community to prepare plans which illustrate, cost and prioritise:

  • Improved streetscape treatment of the Kiewa Valley Highway, including a safer pedestrian connection to Tawonga Pioneer Memorial Park, pedestrian pathways extending along the highway and integrated landscape treatments to give the Tawonga township an improved sense of destination.
  • Improvements to Tawonga Pioneer Memorial Park, including upgraded and additional facilities and infrastructure.

July 2020 update:

Tawonga community members are invited to have their say on the draft concept plans.

Project consultants MDG Landscape Architecture will be running a community webinar from 7pm on Tuesday, 15 July 2020.

The presentation will walk viewers through the site analysis of the subject area, the opportunities identified and potential projects for community discussion and feedback. A short comment and feedback session will be included at the end of the webinar.

Council will provide a recording of the webinar following the live presentation. We welcome comment and feedback from the community in the weeks following the presentation.

Have any questions or comments?

We’d love to hear your initial thoughts so we can address those FAQs during our webinar. Please forward comments and questions to:

Plans are also available to view at the Old Tawonga Store and Mount Beauty Library.




Tawonga Caravan Park future looks bright


22 May 2020

Tawonga Caravan Park future looks bright

Council has welcomed an announcement by the Victorian Government to fund a $2.1 million upgrade to the Tawonga Caravan Park.

The popular caravan park, located on the banks of the Kiewa River, closed earlier this month.

Managed by the Department of Environment Land Water and Planning (DELWP) and run by a private operator, the park faced an uncertain future, due in part to wastewater management issues.

Alpine Shire Council Mayor Peter Roper said the funding is essential to reopen the park and will provide a valuable boost to the local economy.

“This is fantastic news – it will breathe new life into this popular caravan park, attract visitors to the region and help support our local businesses,” he said.

“This funding will allow Council to upgrade the park, take over the existing Committee of Management and source a private operator.

“There are on-site wastewater management constraints due to the area available and proximity to the river, so works to connect the park to reticulated sewer are a vital step.

“We will also be able to upgrade facilities and secure an operator to run the park, ensuring this important tourism destination remains a fantastic asset for the Kiewa Valley well into the future.”

Council will keep community and visitors informed on next steps and time frames.


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